BMP student opens a box and shows the stuffed toy inside to the friend seated next to her

It was a special delivery for students and staff at Black Mountain Primary and Elementary schools.

A Mercy Chefs volunteer hands a gift bag to a BMP teacherJust before the holiday break, volunteers from relief organization Mercy Chefs and Reynolds Baptist Church brought presents and festive frills for the kids, such as light-up reindeer antlers and necklaces. 

Phyllis Smith of Reynolds Baptist Church waves to children in a BMP classroom“We shared with Mercy Chefs that we were doing a toy drive, and they jumped right in and asked ‘How can we help?’ and joined us to share some joy with students and families,” said Phyllis Smith of Reynolds Baptist Church. 

BMP student opens up holiday gift box from Mercy ChefsThe Black Mountain students received gift boxes from students in Florida, who weathered Hurricane Michael in 2018 and felt a special connection to children here after Helene hit our area. Mercy Chefs also helped in recovery efforts from that storm.

“This is a beautiful reminder of how far a good deed can reach and how hope can multiply, spreading from one community to another,” said Mercy Chefs founder Gary LeBlanc.

Line of Mercy Chefs employees boxing lunches for BMP teachersMercy Chefs also delivered gift bags to staff and prepared a gourmet lunch for them. 

“We’re excited that these wonderful people wanted to wrap their arms around our students, our teachers, our whole school community,” said Black Mountain Primary principal Kelly Owen. “Our staff members have done amazing work in this time of recovery and put student needs ahead of their own. It’s a nice way to celebrate everything they’ve done.”

Group photo of BMP class with Mercy Chefs volunteers