Black Mountain Primary School
Title I Family Engagement Policy
Black Mountain Primary believes the education of children is the cooperative effort between families and the school. Family Engagement improves the educational achievement of our children. We believe the involvement of parents and caregivers increases the effectiveness of the program and contributes significantly to the success of our children. In order to assure collaborative partnerships between families and the staff of Black Mountain Primary, the Title I program commits to pursuing the following goals in an effort to engage and empower families of diverse needs.
Establish and maintain effective two-way communication with all families.
Develop strategies and programs which allow families to actively participate in their child’s education.
Provide support and coordination for school staff and families to engage in appropriate family engagement opportunities at all grade levels.
Utilize community resources to enrich the educational experience and promote student success.
Support families in their role as the child’s first and most important teacher.
Title I staff will hold an Annual meeting during Open House to inform families of the school’s participation in the Title I program. This meeting will share the Home-School Compact, which outlines how families may be involved and highlights the major learnings for students in Math and Language Arts. The meeting will also inform families of how Title I funds are used at the school. Title I staff will be available to families to provide support for students struggling with Literacy Development. The Title I program will promote partnerships between school, family and community to enhance and foster the social emotional and academic growth of our students.